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Build Alaska's Future

Alaskans, apply for your Permanent Fund Dividend by March 31st!  When you do, please consider making a contribution to Build Alaska’s Future Education Fund with a portion of your PFD at

Mapping the Path to a Stronger Alaska

One infrastructure project at a time.

Why We exist

Build Alaska’s Future works to strengthen public trust, activate a thriving workforce, and equip communities for good governance by providing transparent, accessible, and credible information.

Our flagship initiative, a proprietary interactive GIS mapping portal, enables Alaskans to explore federal funding allocation with 2,800 projects mapped to date.  

This tool connects infrastructure projects to people and places, humanizing federal funding and fostering transparency and civic engagement. Check out the map below to see billions of dollars in federal infrastructure funding across Alaska! 

Picture courtesy of Mikel Insalaco

Explore the Map

Zoom, pan, and click on icons to see project details, including funding amounts, responsible agencies, programs, and more. Clicking the icons will reveal project details, such as funding amounts, responsible agency, program, and more.


When there are multiple overlapping icons, you can use the arrow buttons on the pop-up to navigate between different points. Additionally, you can filter to Alaska House and Senate districts using the menus on the bottom left of the map screen.

Stay Connected

Follow Build Alaska’s Future on Facebook and read our recent press releases below!

Port of Nome Expansion Project

This snapshot of the bustling port highlights the scale and significance of the ongoing Port of Nome Expansion Project. With upgrades including a 3,500-foot extension

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