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Build Alaska's Future

Alaskans, apply for your Permanent Fund Dividend by March 31st!  When you do, please consider making a contribution to Build Alaska’s Future Education Fund with a portion of your PFD at

Website Under Construction

Build Back Better Alaska (B3AK) is a new 501(c)3 educational non-profit corporation that provides information and outreach on issues of national and Alaska interest, founded by volunteers with the Alaskans for Biden-Harris effort to carry forward the energy from 2020. B3AK aims to supply information and education about federal policies and initiatives affecting Alaska and create opportunities for dialogue between decisionmakers and Alaskans. B3AK promotes good governance, public engagement, and civic participation.


We will be building out this website in the coming weeks. Ultimately our plan is to work with our advisory board to raise funds from individuals, nonprofits, and foundations to carry out our work and create a part time position to hire someone to assist with administration. If you are interested in participating with Build Back Better Alaska, please let us know!