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Build Alaska's Future

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BAF 2023 Year-End Recap

While our work is centered in Alaska, it has inspired other locations across the United States. This broad impact is evident in the diverse donations we’ve received from all parts of the country, emphasizing the universal applicability of our model. 

We are pleased to share the achievements and milestones that BAF has accomplished, thanks in no small part to our supporters’ valuable contributions. This past year, we advanced our mission of education and advocacy on critical policy issues through data sharing and outreach to communities across Alaska.  

In 2023, Build Alaska’s Future has: 

  • Successfully integrated a cutting-edge GIS map to Alaska’s geoportal, which has been used thousands of times to provide users with easy access to comprehensive infrastructure funding data. 
  • Actively engaged Alaskans by collaborating with communities across the state and iHeart Media to broadcast messages highlighting the benefits of federal infrastructure funding in Alaska. 
  • Significantly amplified our message via outreach to prominent leaders who have endorsed and actively participated in our mapping initiative and iHeart Media campaign. We extend heartfelt gratitude for their invaluable support. 

BAF remains committed to cultivating collaborations with government, businesses, and organizations to enhance outreach and broaden influence. We are developing an extensive and inclusive program focused on advancing the collective objectives of Alaskans. This initiative’s core is a multi-faceted public information campaign across digital and traditional channels. Our public outreach aims to unravel key legislative complexities and infrastructure funding opportunities while encouraging transparent cooperation between policymakers and Alaskans. Through compelling storytelling, these advertisements will highlight the local impacts and advantages of strategically utilized federal funding, empowering Alaskans with the insights needed for well-informed and impactful decision-making.  

Once again, thank you for being an integral part of building Alaska’s future. We are grateful for your partnership and look forward to working together in 2024! 

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